Bezawit is a top achiever with a strong aspiration to pursue higher education, focusing on Economics.
Having just graduated from high school, she has consistently maintained excellent grades through hard work and dedication. Bezawit shared her motivation with us: "I plan to study hard and follow class time with high commitment. I will serve my family and community with honesty and integrity in my field of study. I know serving God is serving people in their need."
At 18 years of age, Bezawit is a driven young woman whose positive attitude inspires her family, teachers, and peers. She grew up in Korah with her mother and two brothers, and has been participating in HFK youth programs and activities since her early teens. In her spare time, Bezawit enjoys watching films, reading, and writing poems.
We believe that post-secondary school will be an important and positive change in Bezawit's life, and we are excited for this next step in her education journey. This post-secondary education sponsorship will cover school fees and supplies, materials, and transportation costs needed for her to complete her program. In turn, this will help Bezawit break the cycle of poverty by empowering her mind and offering hope for a better future.
Current Need per Month $55: Sponsor $55 per mo.
Student Education Sponsorships are an important way to empower the younger generation in their schooling, and provides an avenue for hope and a future.
Become a sponsor to bring hope and a better future to Bezawit.