Dagmawit's Education

Dagmawit is a sweet girl with developmental challenges who loves music and dancing.

Her struggles began when she was a baby, due to complications at birth, including excess fluid in her brain and internal bleeding. Dagmawit was hospitalized for 12 days as a newborn. Growing up in a busy household, Dagmawit was raised with her parents, siblings, and grandmother. Her speech and physical development has been significantly delayed, and she has undergone various surgeries and medical treatment for her disabilities. Dagmawit is now 15 years old and attends a private school which offers a separate program for students with special needs. She continues to gain independence, making progress in her day-to-day activities, such as dressing herself and walking to school.

Dagmawit is in Grade 4 at Beyu Ericho School, a private school which provides a higher standard of education, in smaller classrooms, with quality teaching and greater support from teachers. This Educational Sponsorship will cover her uniform, textbooks, school supplies, after-school tutoring, youth activities, and Berta Breakfast every morning before school. In turn, this will help Dagmawit break the cycle of poverty by empowering her mind and offering hope for a better future.

Current Need per Month $65: Sponsor $65 per mo.

Child Education Sponsorships are an important way to empower the younger generation in their schooling, and provides an avenue for hope and a future.


Sponsor Dagmawit's Education

Become a sponsor to bring hope and a better future to Dagmawit.
