Fikir S.'s Family

Thank you! We are pleased to share Fiker's family is fully sponsored!

Desperate and alone, Fikir begs daily for food for her daughters, while she often skips meals to ensure they are fed. Fikir grew up in the southern region of Ethiopia and was raised by her father and stepmother after losing her own mother when she was a child. Life with them was very hard, and young Fikir fled from the situation as soon as she was old enough to find her way to Addis, where she worked as maid for many years. Fikir never had the chance to go to school, and instead got married to a man she met in the city. After her first daughter was born, her husband began treating her poorly, bringing his brothers to live with them and placing the burden of all the household tasks and parenting solely on Fikir’s shoulders. Eventually she had the courage to leave, and her husband married another woman, refusing to financially support Fikir and two daughters.

Fikir and her girls live in a dangerous, swampy area of the Korah slum and often rely on the kindness of neighbors for food. Although she is illiterate, Fikir has a strong desire to provide for her children and is determined to break free from begging on the streets.

Monthly sponsorship will provide Fikir’s family with holistic support such as food, housing, medical care, spiritual care, counselling, education, health and life skills training, income generation and business development opportunities. Being part of HFK’s Family Empowerment Program will also give this family an opportunity to participate in many of our youth, education, and community programs.

CURRENT NEED:  $0 per mo.

Sponsor Fikir S.'s Family

Become a sponsor to bring hope and a better future to this family!

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