World Water Day 2020: #Coronavirus #Prayer for all

By: Eve PohlPosted On: March 22nd, 2020

During these uncertain times as we pray for each other, please include Korah, Ethiopia, and communities around the world who have limited or no access to clean water in your prayers. 

As the coronavirus continues to spread, clean water is more important than ever. Yet practicing clean hygiene and washing hands is not a privilege granted to everyone. Today March 22, is World Water Day because globally 785 million people lack access to clean water.

In Ethiopia, there have been 11 reported cases of Covid-19. All schools are closed and large gatherings and meetings forbidden. At Hope for Korah our staff have been busy handing out soap to families, communicating the importance of proper hand-washing, reviewing proper technique and hygiene practices as well as communicating accurate information on this disease. In the community misinformation is intertwined with facts and there is a growing sense of fear. Social distancing is almost impossible as Korah is so densely populated. Families live in tight quarters next door to other families. Most are one room huts, everyone sleeping in one bed or on the dirt floor.

On world water day and in the days to come, let's continue to pray for each other and pray for the vulnerable people in Korah, in Ethiopia and around the world.  #worldwaterday #prayerforall

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