Hope for Korah currently provides housing and holistic support to several disbled mothers and orphaned sibling groups. Though our primary focus has been on family empowerment, Hope for Korah has recognized the need for special considerations when some families' circumstances do not fit the structure of our regular Family Empowerment Program. In the past few years Hope for Korah has met several beautifully resilient young people and families living in desperate situations due to significant disabilities, hardship, or the death of a parent. Previously we provided care to these families and children in a group home. Over time we realized that separating family units into their own homes would provide a healthier environment for families to thrive and develop healthy attachments with one another.
Orphaned Children
Hope for Korah is committed to our orphaned children and teens for the long-term; offering educational and personal support until they have completed their goals and are adequately equipped to remain stable and self-sufficient through their adulthood. For the youngest children, this support includes an in-home caregiver, while all the children and young adults receive psychosocial support, education, and all their basic needs like food, medical and clothing.
It takes a village to raise these children! The cost of providing these supports and level of care is significant. It can only happen through the generous commitment and love of many sponsors!
Please see available sponsorships for orphaned children who currently need sponsors!
Vulnerable Families
Among our vulnerable families are also mothers with significant long-term disabilities which prevents them from fully providing for themselves both now and in the future. In these circumstances, Hope for Korah comes alongside to meet their basic needs, as well as offering options for these women to participate in educational, vocational, and social functions with other moms in the program. Knowing that their children are now participating in youth activities and receiving loving support and education, provides incredible peace of mind to these mothers who once had to beg to feed their beautiful children.
Please see available sponsorships for vulnerable families who currently need sponsors!
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