To spur our families on towards economic empowerment & independence, HFK facilitates business trainings, Self-Help Group participation and social work support to build community connections, provide applicable skills & empower our Korah families to launch their own initiatives.

Employment Skills & Business Development Training
Business training and employment skills are provided by local organizations as well as our Income Generation Specialist and are an essential part of our programming. Find out more about our S.M.A.R.T Business Plan used by our Ethiopian social work staff.
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Credit & Savings Self-Help Groups
Credit & Savings Self-Help Groups meet weekly to discuss pertinent issues affecting themselves and their community. A significant focus of this model is to equip families to become economically self-sufficient while being unified and motivated to take ownership for the transformation of their own community.
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Business Start-Ups
Business start-ups provide families with the capital needed to launch their businesses and moves families towards self-sufficiency. The capital consists of a combination of the participant's personal savings, Self-Help Group loans and HFK grants.
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